PennyCott Studio, site logo.

Welcome To PennyCott Studio

Hello, everybody! The only genuine Dobromark website - Accept no substitutes. I use this to put news and bits and pieces about what we are all doing musically down here at Mud - By - The Sea, on the South Coast of the UK in Chichester Harbour.

I stress that this is a totally non commercial site, and NOT a recording studio. Welcome anyway! Have a look at the link to my favourite music sites - the coveted Dobromark Hall of Fame.. The best of the best, in my humble opinion..  Also links to local alehouses that put on music and are purveyors of fine beer in this area, local bands, charity sites and much more.



Wednesday 2nd October 2024 . Cloudy.

 78 shopping days to Christmas. 

In memory of my great friends Melvyn Hiscock, Mark Haley and Freda Manley who died in 2021. 

 News Flashes:

Great site - Melvyn-Hiscock-Guitars -  Nice one Melv!! Even though Melv is not here anymore.

Other stuff:

Nigel Hoar - Vocal coach added to tabs on the front page. Seriously good.

For locals - check events... Have now put up a link to another site who are MUCH more informed about gigs round here than me!

Mark Haley Boxes. These are superb. The photos do not do them justice!

 Mark Haley electric ukes. Check them out on the link on the left. Sound through an amp is QUITE awesome!

Thanks to: All the great musicians and luthiers who have been kind enough become 'friends' on the Dobromark facebook site. Some fascinating stuff.


Check dobromark on Facebook.

Try the link below, if you have not done so already, for some of the music we do.





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